Aktive Rolle der SPK DA in der ZwangsCACerei des PSI
wie dem FAQ von CBLux 2.3What is the procedure to be followed to have a bond exchanged?
zu entnehmen ist, mussten die Depotführenden Banken die Umtauschprozeduren antriggern.
Sie wissen haben wir zum einen ausdrücklich einem Umtausch
widersprochen (Sxx) und in den Depots Bxx, Sxx und Txx niemals
Zustimmung erklärt.
fordere Sie auf umgehend die Vorgänge um den Umtausch
(Abwicklungsstrukturen und Vorgänge / von Ihnen vorgenommene Aktionen /
Erklärungen und Handlungen z.B. Meldungen über SWIFT) uns gegenüber zu
dokumentieren. Ich habe mir eingehend den 31.5.12 vorgemerkt.
M.E. nach haben Sie die Treuepflichten aus dem Depot/Verwahrvertrag verletzt (insbs. Auch § 34 Depotunterschlagung)
der Wichtigkeit bitte ich um eine Eingangsbestätigung mit
Betreff/inhaltlichen Bezug dieser email (also über Ihren Mail-Robot
Zur Erläuterung siehe unten Auszüge aus meinem Blog.
must submit Participation Instructions in accordance with the
procedures established by CBL. // Customer ist deine depotführende Bank
// sie ist der aktive teil, der instructionen an CBL zu senden hat
also hier kann sich keine depotführende Bank darauf rausreden sie seien von der Verwahrkette von oben aus zwangsgeCACt worden.
Es war die aktive Teilnahme der depotführenden Bank (hier zum Beispiel SPK DA) gefragt und gefordert die zwangCACerei zu initiieren und durchzuführen.
Wenn ihr eure Bank dazu nicht ermächtigt habt, oder gar im Vorfeld widersprochen habt, hat die Bank meines Erachtens nach ein Problem.
also, frisch auf, schreibt die Bank an und lasst euch das Procedere erläuteren und bestätigen....
Es war die aktive Teilnahme der depotführenden Bank (hier zum Beispiel SPK DA) gefragt und gefordert die zwangCACerei zu initiieren und durchzuführen.
Wenn ihr eure Bank dazu nicht ermächtigt habt, oder gar im Vorfeld widersprochen habt, hat die Bank meines Erachtens nach ein Problem.
also, frisch auf, schreibt die Bank an und lasst euch das Procedere erläuteren und bestätigen....
2.3What is the procedure to be followed to have a bond exchanged?
Customers must submit Participation Instructions in accordance with the procedures established by CBL.
Participation instruction must be sent exclusively via SWIFT MT565 or by responding to the event in CreationOnline (an upload function is available) to instruct and block the instructed holding.
Each instruction must include: • The ISIN code and the Corporate Action Reference of the event (please pay attention to this
combination since the Corporate Action Reference overwrites the ISIN code and will be
automatically forwarded to the exchange agent under the ISIN corresponding to the Corporate
Action Reference specified in the instruction)
• CBL account number
• The nominal amount instructed;
• The option elected (as further defined in “2.5 What are the options?” below).
Customers should refer to the respective notifications that they receive from CBL for detailed information regarding participation procedures, which may include certain special procedures.
When instructing CBL, customers will have to certify the status of the final beneficial owner, whether the beneficial owner is a U.S. person or a non-U.S. person (as further defined in “3.1 For the ISIN codes, will you need to make a distinction between U.S. or non-U.S. person?”).
Please note that instructions can be bulked at option number level paying attention to the beneficial owner status.
Neither breakdown nor disclosure of beneficial owner is requested.
Clearstream advises customers to mention their contact details on their instruction in case they need to be contacted (use PACO field).
Meeting: Holders electing to attend the meeting, where allowed, are required to mention in the narratives of their instruction the attendee details (their name, address, ID or passport number, email address and phone number) in order to request the paying agent to issue a valid voting certificate. Clearstream will automatically forward (straight through processing) the attendee details to the exchange agent and will bear no responsibility in case of erroneous or missing information.
Republic – PSI - Questions and Answers // um zu klären wie die
widerrechtliche ZwangsCACerei über die Verwahrkette gelaufen ist // eure
Depotbank ist m.E. nach euch gegenüber rechenschaftspflichtig....
Hellenic Republic – PSI - Questions and Answers
March 2012
Document number: 6641
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Clearstream Banking société anonyme, Luxembourg (referred to hereinafter as Clearstream Banking Luxembourg or CBL), or any other entity belonging to Clearstream International société anonyme, Luxembourg. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written consent of Clearstream Banking, Luxembourg.
March 2012
Document number: 6641
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Clearstream Banking société anonyme, Luxembourg (referred to hereinafter as Clearstream Banking Luxembourg or CBL), or any other entity belonging to Clearstream International société anonyme, Luxembourg. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written consent of Clearstream Banking, Luxembourg.
Greece: Private sector involvement in voluntary transaction - Offer launched
On Friday 24 February 2012, the Ministerial Council of the Hellenic Republic approved the terms of invitations to be made to private sector holders, outside the United States of America, of bonds issued or guaranteed by the Republic and selected to participate in the exchange offers and/or consent solicitations to be made by the Republic. The full terms of each invitation are available, in electronic form only, through http://www.greekbonds.gr/. Further details, including the list of impacted ISINs, are included in the attached press release of the Greek Ministry of Finance.
Impact on customers
action notifications have been released to the impacted customers
including details of the options and the deadline for instructions.
Further information
For further specific information, please contact Clearstream Banking Customer Service or your Relationship Officer.
Eingestellt von rolf j. koch um 23:13
Viele Grüsse
Rolf Koch
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